King Of Bandit Jing Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. The Capital of Theives

  • May 15, 2002

Jing, the king of bandits, and his sidekick Kir take on the challenge of stealing the infamous goddess statue, the "Platinum Medallion," from the Capital of Thieves. The episode begins with Jing and Kir traveling through an expansive desert, with nothing but sand dunes in every direction. They are on their way to the Capital of Thieves, a city known for its numerous robbers, mercenary soldiers, and perilous gangs.

Jing and Kir arrive in the city and quickly learn about the Platinum Medallion, a treasured artifact from the neighboring kingdom. The officials had sent the army to retrieve it, but the Capital of Thieves' residents stole it first. Jing and Kir are determined to make it theirs, so they set out to steal it.

As they navigate the city's lively streets and shadowy alleys, a catboy named Louie begins to stalk Jing and Kir. Louie is a master thief, who also has an interest in the Platinum Medallion. He's surprised to see Jing, a legendary bandit, and becomes eager to cross paths with him.

Meanwhile, Jing and Kir find the goddess statue and embark on an intricate heist plan. They must avoid the city's watchful eyes, pick numerous locks, and evade a few threats along the way. Though their plan encounters some setbacks, Jing and Kir succeed in acquiring the Platinum Medallion.

Later that night, Louie confronts Jing and Kir with his partner Jill, demanding they hand over the statue. Louie and Jill had set their sights on the statue as well, but were outsmarted by Jing and Kir. The two sides soon find themselves in a battle for the treasure. In the end, only one team comes out on top, but both sides gain respect for each other's skills.

"The Capital of Thieves" sets the stage for the rest of the series, illustrating Jing's wit and expertise in extracting valuables from precarious situations. The episode also introduces lively characters, with Louie and Jill's roles continuing in later storylines. Overall, the episode presents an entertaining blend of action, humor, and resourcefulness that viewers will enjoy throughout the entire series.

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  • First Aired
    May 15, 2002
  • Language