Kevin Hart Presents: The Next Level Season 1 Episode 2

Ep 2. James Davis

  • June 25, 2017
  • 1240 min

In the second episode of Kevin Hart Presents: The Next Level season 1, we meet James Davis, a comedian who is quickly making a name for himself in the industry. Davis grew up in South Central Los Angeles and his experiences growing up there heavily influence his comedy. He has a unique ability to find humor in what many would consider dark or uncomfortable situations.

During the episode, Davis takes the stage at the Wilbur Theatre in Boston to perform a set for the show. He wastes no time diving into his material, starting with an observation about how expensive it is to live in Los Angeles. He then goes on to talk about his experience shopping for clothes at the Beverly Center, a high-end shopping mall in LA. Davis pokes fun at the idea of spending hundreds of dollars on a t-shirt and explains that he's much more comfortable shopping at Ross Dress for Less.

Davis also touches on topics like relationships, race, and social media. One of the highlights of his set is when he talks about how different races approach the concept of time. He uses his own experiences being late to events as a black man to illustrate how time is perceived differently depending on your cultural background. Davis's humor is grounded in his own experiences and observations, and his performance is relatable and entertaining.

Throughout the episode, we also get to know Davis on a more personal level. He talks to the audience about his upbringing and how he got into comedy. He started performing in college and quickly found that he had a talent for making people laugh. Davis also talks about the challenges he's faced as a black comedian in a predominantly white industry. He's had to work twice as hard to get noticed and is grateful for the opportunities that Kevin Hart Presents: The Next Level has given him.

The episode features interviews with Davis's friends and family, who all speak highly of him and his comedic talent. They discuss his unique perspective and ability to find humor in challenging situations. Davis's mother also makes an appearance, and she talks about how proud she is of her son's success.

Overall, James Davis's episode of Kevin Hart Presents: The Next Level season 1 is a standout performance. His humor is sharp and his delivery is effortless. He's a comedian on the rise, and this episode gives us a glimpse into what makes him so special. Whether you're a fan of stand-up comedy or just looking for a good laugh, this episode is not to be missed.

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  • First Aired
    June 25, 2017
  • Runtime
    1240 min
  • Language