Kevin Can Wait Season 1 Episode 17
Kevin Can Wait
Season 1

Ep 17. Unholy War

  • TV-NR
  • February 13, 2017
  • 21 min
  • 6.5  (217)

Kevin Can Wait season 1 episode 17 is entitled "Unholy War." The episode revolves around Kevin and Donna's decision to volunteer at their children's Catholic school. What starts out as a good intention quickly become a hilarious ordeal as they find themselves in a heated "holy war" with rival parents at the school. The rival parents, who have their own fundraising committee, have a beef with Kevin and Donna's committee regarding the school's annual fundraiser. The war of pride, ego and church supremacy quickly begins with each group trying to outdo the other. The situation spirals out of control as the fundraising war turns into a retaliatory war between the rival committees who take turns outdoing each other with their acts of kindness for the school. The rivalry ultimately draws in the kids as each committee tries to win them over to their side.

Amidst this chaos, Kevin tries to take advantage of Donna's competitive nature and uses it to his advantage. Donna, however, soon realizes what Kevin is doing and decides to play him back. The two end up trying to outdo each other while championing their own committee's cause. Meanwhile, Chale, Kyle, and Kendra ponder over how to break it to Kevin that they've been keeping a secret from him. The secret is revealed later in the episode, causing an unexpected twist to the unfolding situation.

The Sunday school's teacher, Sister Roberta, tries to mediate the situation, but to no avail. The fun reaches its climax when both committees decide to host a fundraiser on St. Patrick's Day, the day school families are allowed to skip mass. The two fundraising events turn out to be wildly successful in terms of organizing a festivity. However, it is an unmitigated disaster in terms of resolving the conflict. Donna and Kevin finally decide to talk to each other, bury the hatchet, and resolve their issues amicably.

The episode ends on a surprising twist when a bidder, who earlier didn't seem interested, shows up at the school's fundraiser with an astronomical bid. The bidder is revealed to have a history with Kevin and it is clear that the bid was made with a personal motivation and relationship in mind. The episode concludes with a cliffhanger, leaving fans excited for the next installment.

Overall, Kevin Can Wait season 1 episode 17, "Unholy War," provides a satirical commentary on the escalating nonsensical rivalry and pride amongst church groups. The episode's humor and quirkiness, coupled with the relatable theme of community conflict, make for an entertaining and fun watch. The storylines are well blended, with seamless branching from subplot to subplot, and the acting is on point. At the center of the show is the charm and comic timing of Kevin James, which keeps the viewer engaged throughout. The episode's overarching message about the importance of resolving conflicts amicably and putting aside personal pride and ego is a refreshing take on an age-old issue.

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Kevin Can Wait, Season 1 Episode 17, is available to watch free on Tubi TV and stream on CBS. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Kevin Can Wait on demand at Amazon, Vudu, Microsoft Movies & TV, Google Play, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    February 13, 2017
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.5  (217)