Ken Burns: America Season 1 Episode 12

Ep 12. Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery

  • November 4, 1997

In Ken Burns: America season 1 episode 12, titled "Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery," viewers are taken on a journey through one of the most iconic and treacherous expeditions in American history. This episode tells the story of explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, who were commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory and to find a route to the Pacific Ocean.

The episode begins with the preparations for the journey, which included assembling a diverse group of men from various backgrounds and skills who would make up the Corps of Discovery. The episode covers the challenges faced throughout the journey, including the harsh weather conditions, unfamiliar terrain, and encounters with various Native American tribes.

Viewers are treated to stunning landscapes as the expedition makes its way westward, making camp along the way and facing danger with every turn. Through the use of stunning photographs and drawings from the time period, Ken Burns: America brings the journey to life, making viewers feel as though they are right alongside the Corps of Discovery.

The episode delves into the complex relationship between the explorers and the Native American tribes they encountered along the way. The Corps relied heavily on the help of Native Americans for various reasons, including obtaining food and other supplies, as well as for navigating the land. However, the expedition also brought with it diseases that Native Americans had no immunity to, leading to devastating effects on some communities.

As the Corps of Discovery made its way across the vast landscape, the episode highlights the unique challenges faced by Lewis and Clark. The explorers were responsible for a vast amount of scientific exploration, collecting data and specimens of plants, animals, and geological formations they encountered. They were also charged with keeping detailed journals of their journey, and these journals provide a fascinating window into the experiences and discoveries of the expedition.

The episode also touches on the impact of the expedition on American history, especially in the context of westward expansion. The insights and discoveries gained by Lewis and Clark helped to shape the way Americans viewed the vast territory they had just acquired and led to further exploration in the years that followed.

Overall, Ken Burns: America season 1 episode 12 is a fascinating and engaging exploration of one of the most consequential events in American history. From the stunning visuals to the rich historical context provided, this episode is a must-see for anyone interested in the history of the American West.

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  • First Aired
    November 4, 1997
  • Language