Watch Kekkaishi
- 2006
- 4 Seasons
7.5 (562)
Kekkaishi is an animated television series that originally premiered in Japan in 2006, and was later released in Canada on YTV in 2008. The show is based on the Shonen Jump manga series created by Yellow Tanabe. The English dubbed version of the show stars Grant George, Vic Mignogna, and Laura Bailey. Kekkaishi ran until 2011 with a total of 52 episodes.
The show follows the adventures of two teenage kekkaishi or "barrier masters". The main protagonist is Yoshimori Sumimura, a shy, introverted high school student who is destined to succeed his grandfather as a kekkaishi. The other protagonist is Tokine Yukimura, a diligent and serious kekkaishi who is also Yoshimori's childhood friend and rival.
Kekkaishi revolves around the idea of a secret world of spirits and demons that coexist alongside humans, but cannot be seen by them. Yoshimori and Tokine are tasked with protecting their neighborhood, Karasumori, which is a mystical land with powerful spiritual energy that attracts demon attacks.
The kekkaishi are able to create barriers that keep the demons trapped within the area they wish to protect. These barriers are constructed using special talismans and hand gestures. To maintain their barriers, the kekkaishi must "reinforce" them regularly by adding layers of energized paper that only they can see. The show also features an intricate system of powers and abilities unique to each kekkaishi which are continually upgraded as the characters level up.
The show also follows the lives of the two young kekkaishi as they balance their duties with their everyday lives as high school students. Yoshimori is a bit of a slacker in his studies but has a passion for baking cakes. He is often chastised by his stern brother, Masamori, who is also a kekkaishi, for not taking his responsibilities seriously enough. Meanwhile, Tokine is a model student with a strict upbringing, but hides her feelings for Yoshimori behind their rivalry as kekkaishi.
Throughout the series, Yoshimori and Tokine face countless challenges, both in their duties as kekkaishi and in their personal lives. They encounter a variety of demons, including powerful ones that threaten to breach their barriers and invade the real world. They also meet other kekkashis from other clans and regions, some of whom become their allies while others become their rivals.
Overall, Kekkaishi is a fun and action-packed series that explores the theme of balance between duty and personal life. It has a unique approach to the spirit world and features exciting battles between demons and kekkaishi. The characters are well-developed and relatable, with complex backstories and motivations that keep audiences engaged. The animation and fight scenes are top-notch and will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. If you're a fan of anime and supernatural shows, Kekkaishi is definitely worth checking out.
Kekkaishi is a series that ran for 4 seasons (77 episodes) between October 16, 2006 and on YTV