Ep 1. Country of this World
- October 2, 2004
Kannazuki No Miko is a romantic and action-packed anime series that follows the story of two high school girls, Himeko Kurusugawa and Chikane Himemiya, who have been chosen by the gods to be priestesses of the Sun and Moon, respectively. Season 1 episode 1 is titled "Country of this World," and it sets the stage for the rest of the series.
At the start of the episode, we see Himeko and Chikane going to school together. The two seem to be close friends and have a good dynamic. However, things quickly take a turn when Himeko starts experiencing strange visions and hearing voices. She starts seeing apocalyptic scenes in her dreams and becomes increasingly disturbed as the episode goes on. Meanwhile, Chikane seems to be aware of something that Himeko isn't and keeps a watchful eye on her.
We also learn that Himeko and Chikane come from different backgrounds, as Himeko is the daughter of a Shinto priest and Chikane is from a wealthy family. Despite this, they seem to be able to bridge the gap between their worlds and have a genuine friendship.
As the episode progresses, we are introduced to two other characters, Souma Oogami and Tsubasa Kuzuki. Souma is a transfer student who is immediately drawn to Himeko, while Tsubasa is a childhood friend of Chikane. We see that Tsubasa holds some sort of grudge against Chikane but we don't know the full extent of it just yet.
The episode culminates in a dramatic twist, as we learn that Himeko and Chikane are not just ordinary high school girls but in fact, they are the priestesses of the Sun and Moon, respectively. They are tasked with protecting the world from destruction, but we are left in suspense as to what exactly they are up against.
Overall, "Country of this World" sets up the premise of the series well. It introduces us to the core characters and teases at the larger conflict that the show will explore. The animation and soundtrack are both excellent and help to build tension throughout the episode. It's a solid start to what promises to be an engaging and emotional journey for Himeko, Chikane, and their friends.