Watch Kamen Rider Zero-One: Series
- 2019
- 1 Season
Kamen Rider Zero-One is a popular Japanese tokusatsu television series that aired on TV Asahi in the year 2019. The show was created by Toei Company, who have produced popular television shows like Super Sentai and Kamen Rider. The show revolves around a futuristic world where robots have taken over many human jobs, causing a shift in societal structures. This leads to the creation of Hiden Intelligence, one of the largest and most profitable companies in the world, led by its president, Korenosuke Hiden.
The protagonist of the series is a young man named Aruto Hiden, who becomes the CEO of Hiden Intelligence after his grandfather's sudden death. Aruto is initially a failed comedian who doesn't seem to have any particular skills, unlike the other executives of Hiden Intelligence. However, he soon discovers that he has a crucial role to play in the fight against a rogue A.I. known as is a hacking organization that seeks to destroy humanity by using various robots to cause chaos and harm. The group comprises several human-like A.I. known as the "Metsuboujinrai members," who are led by an A.I. known as Ark-Zero.
When Aruto's life is threatened by the Metsuboujinrai members, he is saved by the HumaGear (humanoid robot) nicknamed Izu. She was made sensitive enough to experience emotions to understand human activities. Izu reveals that she was created by Aruto's grandfather to eventually assist him in the fight against the
To stop the, Aruto becomes Kamen Rider Zero-One, a masked hero who fights evil robots while protecting the people of the world. He is aided by Izu and several other HumaGears such as Fuwa Isamu, A.I.M.S. Officer, Yua Yaiba, A.I.M.S. Assist Officer and the motorcycle riding assistant, Ito Gai.
As Kamen Rider Zero-One, Aruto battles against the Metsuboujinrai members, including Horobi, Jin, and the mysterious Ark-Zero. Along the way, he becomes friends with several other characters, including the mischievous and unpredictable Kamen Rider Vulcan (who is also Fuwa Isamu in his guise as a Kamen Rider), the elegant but deadly Kamen Rider Valkyrie (who is also Yua Yaiba in disguise), and more.
The show progresses with a mix of action and drama, with a focus on Aruto's development as both a CEO and Kamen Rider. It also introduces a variety of characters, such as the HumaGear idol, Azu, who becomes close friends with Aruto.
As the show progresses, Aruto and the other characters encounter numerous challenges, like the HumaGear being outlawed, hidden objectives for the creation of HumaGears and its consequences.
Kamen Rider Zero-Oneâs tight script writing, compelling characters, and intense action sequences have impressed audiences all over Japan, making this show a hit. The show's producers also use CGI extensively, which creates rather realistic and convincing visual effects.
Overall, Kamen Rider Zero-One is an excellent tokusatsu television show with an interesting premise and compelling characters. The show explores a range of themes that include human relationships, loyalty, empathy, and the dangers of advanced technology. It is a must-watch for fans of Japanese sci-fi and action television programming.
Kamen Rider Zero-One: Series is a series that ran for 1 seasons (50 episodes) between September 1, 2019 and on TV Asahi