Watch Kamen Rider Agito
- 1969
- 1 Season
8.0 (559)
Kamen Rider Agito was a Japanese tokusatsu television series that aired from 2001 to 2002. It was the eleventh installment in the Kamen Rider franchise, following Kamen Rider Kuuga. The series follows the story of a man named Shoichi Tsugami, who becomes the titular Kamen Rider Agito after being involved in a mysterious accident. He is joined in his fight against a group of mysterious monsters known as the Unknown by a group of other Agito users: Ryo Ashihara, a motorcycle racer; and Agito's predecessor, a man known only as "G3" who utilizes advanced technology to fight the Unknown.
As the series progresses, Shoichi and his allies uncover the truth about the Unknown and their connection to a powerful organization known as the "El of the Water", as well as the identity of a powerful being known as "The Overlord".
One of the unique aspects of Kamen Rider Agito is its heavy focus on character development. Each of the main characters undergoes significant personal growth throughout the series, as they come to terms with their roles as Agito users and confront their own personal demons.
The series also features several standout action scenes, as the Agito users battle the Unknown using a combination of martial arts and their unique powers. The fight scenes are well choreographed and often feature impressive visual effects, such as the transformation sequences that occur when the Agito users activate their powers.
Overall, Kamen Rider Agito is a well-crafted addition to the Kamen Rider franchise that manages to stand out on its own merits. Its focus on character development and unique storytelling approach make it a standout in the genre, and the impressive action scenes and special effects make it an engaging and exciting viewing experience.
Kamen Rider Agito is a series that ran for 1 seasons (1 episodes) between and on Toku