The show "Kal Penn Approves This Message" is a political comedy series that premiered on FreeForm in 2020. The show is hosted by Kal Penn, who is known for his role in the Harold and Kumar film franchise and his work in politics. Each episode of the show focuses on a different political topic and features interviews with political figures and experts in the field. Throughout the show, Kal Penn explores different political issues in a humorous and informative way, breaking down complicated topics for viewers.
One episode of the show features a conversation with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, where Kal asks her about her experiences as a woman in politics and what advice she has for young women looking to get involved in the field.
In another episode, Kal interviews Dolores Huerta, a civil rights activist and labor leader who co-founded the United Farm Workers union. The episode focuses on the issue of voting rights and the importance of civic engagement.
Throughout the series, Kal Penn also provides viewers with useful information about voting, such as how to register and how to find polling locations. The show aims to encourage young people to get involved in politics and make their voices heard.
The tone of the show is lighthearted and comedic, but it also tackles serious political issues with sincerity and depth. Kal Penn strikes a balance between making the topics accessible and entertaining, while also driving home their importance.
"Kal Penn Approves This Message" is a timely and relevant show that encourages political engagement and education, while also providing viewers with a much-needed laugh.
Kal Penn Approves This Message is a series that ran for 1 seasons (6 episodes) between September 22, 2020 and on FreeForm
CastKal PennHillary ClintonDolores Huerta
Premiere DateSeptember 22, 2020
IMDB Rating4.8 (108)
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