Justice League Unlimited Season 2 Episode 20

Ep 20. Hereafter: Part 2

  • January 1, 2002

Hereafter: Part 2 is the twentieth episode of the second season of the animated television series Justice League Unlimited. The episode follows the events of the previous episode in which Superman was seemingly killed while fighting a monstrous creature known as the Preserver. In Part 2, the remaining members of the Justice League must come to terms with Superman's death while dealing with a new threat in the form of a group of supervillains known as the Legion of Doom.

The episode begins with a funeral for Superman, attended by members of the Justice League and many of his friends and allies. Wonder Woman gives a eulogy, speaking of Superman's legacy as a hero and the impact he had on the world. As they mourn, the Justice League realizes that they have a responsibility to continue fighting for justice in Superman's absence.

Meanwhile, a new threat arises in the form of the Legion of Doom, a group of supervillains led by Lex Luthor. The Legion has been causing chaos across the world, and the Justice League decides that they must put a stop to their plans. They face off against the Legion in several battles, but find themselves outmatched and struggling to contain the villainous group's efforts.

As the Justice League continues to fight, they begin to discover clues that suggest that Superman may not be dead after all. Batman and Wonder Woman set out to investigate, uncovering a plot by the Preserver to transport Superman to the future in an attempt to save his life.

With this new information, the Justice League must find a way to travel through time and rescue Superman before it's too late. They face numerous obstacles and challenges in their quest, encountering dangerous enemies and unexpected allies along the way. As they navigate the complex time stream, they must work together to overcome their greatest challenge yet and save the world from destruction.

In the end, the Justice League is able to successfully rescue Superman and prevent the Legion of Doom from carrying out their plan. The episode ends on a hopeful note, as Superman returns to the present day and reunites with his friends and allies. The Justice League emerges stronger than ever, ready to face whatever challenges come their way in the future.

Overall, Hereafter: Part 2 is an action-packed episode that explores themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the enduring power of friendship. Through the trials and tribulations faced by the Justice League, the episode emphasizes the importance of working together and fighting for what is right, no matter the cost. With its thrilling plot twists and compelling characters, Hereafter: Part 2 is a standout episode of Justice League Unlimited that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 2002
  • Language