The description for the show Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous season 2 episode 7 titled "Step One" follows a group of six teenagers: Darius, Yaz, Kenji, Brooklynn, Sammy, and Ben, who are stranded on the island of Isla Nublar after Jurassic World's latest attraction - the Indominus Rex - broke free from its enclosure and started terrorizing the park. The teenagers must find a way to survive the dangerous environment filled with prehistoric creatures and also avoid getting caught by InGen, the powerful corporation behind Jurassic World.
In this episode, the group decides to take the first significant step towards finding a way off the island. With some combined efforts, they manage to locate a radio tower that holds the key to their escape. However, getting to the tower is not as easy as it seems, as the path to it is riddled with obstacles and challenges that test their survival skills and camaraderie.
As the group treks through the dense jungle, they encounter a herd of Anklosauruses. While the group tries to avoid being spotted by the creatures, Kenji ends up getting separated and finds himself face to face with a large, threatening Ankylosaurus. It becomes a battle of wits and Kenji's quick thinking skills to survive the encounter. Meanwhile, the other teenagers find themselves in a more precarious situation when they stumble upon a swarm of Compys, the tiny but deadly creatures that attack in groups.
As the group pushes forward, they come across an abandoned construction site filled with fallen debris and rubble. They must navigate through the treacherous site, as well as fend off against a Velociraptor that has been stalking them. Then, in a surprising twist, the group discovers mutated meat-eating plants. They are puzzled about which ones are safe to touch, and they must experiment and take a calculated risk at the same time.
As they approach the radio tower, the situation becomes even more dangerous when they realize they have to scale it. Darius, the leader of the group, comes up with a plan to use a crane to hoist one of the group members to the top of the tower to fix the transmitter. It's a race against time and nature - with a storm brewing in the distance, the group must work quickly before they get hit by the storm.
The episode ends with the group finally being able to communicate with the outside world. The radio tower's transmission links them to a rescue team, and they feel hopeful for the first time in a while. However, it is short-lived when the rescue team quickly realizes that InGen has been eavesdropping on their conversation, and they are in grave danger. The team must now come up with a new plan to avoid being caught and continue their escape from the island.
In summary, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous season 2 episode 7, titled "Step One," showcases a thrilling adventure filled with action, suspense, and unexpected twists and turns. The episode highlights the teenagers' resilience, determination, and team efforts as they continue to navigate through the dangerous island of Isla Nublar, overcome challenges, and inch closer towards their ultimate goal - escape.
CastPaul-Mikél WilliamsSean GiambroneKausar Mohammed
First AiredJanuary 22, 2021
Runtime23 min
IMDB Rating7.8 (424)
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