Junk Gypsies is a reality television show from HGTV that premiered in 2011. The show stars sisters Amie and Jolie Sikes, who are known for their unique sense of style and their ability to transform discarded items into beautiful, functional pieces. The show follows the sisters as they travel around the country in their vintage trailer, searching for items to repurpose and resell. Along the way, they meet a variety of people, including artists, collectors, and DIY enthusiasts, who inspire and challenge them in their quest to create one-of-a-kind pieces.
Each episode of Junk Gypsies is centered around a particular theme, such as weddings, holidays, or outdoor living. The sisters use their creativity and expertise to transform ordinary items into extraordinary works of art, often incorporating found objects such as old windows, barn doors, and vintage signage.
In addition to their design projects, the sisters also share their personal lives on the show, including their relationships with their families and their experiences running their business, Junk Gypsy Company. Amie and Jolie are both married with children, and their husbands and kids often make appearances on the show, adding an extra layer of depth and warmth to their story.
One of the unique features of Junk Gypsies is the way the show combines design and entertainment. Amie and Jolie are not only talented designers, but also charismatic personalities who bring a sense of fun and whimsy to each episode. They love to sing, dance, and joke around, creating a lighthearted atmosphere that makes the show a joy to watch.
At the heart of Junk Gypsies is the sisters' commitment to sustainability and reuse. They believe that anything can be repurposed with a little creativity, and they are passionate about keeping old items out of landfills. Their work is not only beautiful, but also environmentally responsible, making them role models for anyone interested in sustainable design.
Junk Gypsies has been a hit with audiences since its debut, thanks in large part to the infectious energy and creativity of its stars. Amie and Jolie have become beloved figures in the design world, inspiring countless viewers to take a second look at the items they might otherwise throw away, and to see the potential beauty in everything around them.
In conclusion, Junk Gypsies is a heartwarming and inspiring show that combines design, entertainment, and social responsibility in a unique and compelling way. The show's stars, Amie and Jolie Sikes, are talented designers, charismatic personalities, and dedicated environmentalists, making them role models for anyone interested in sustainable design. If you're looking for a show that will inspire you to see the beauty in everything around you, and to think twice before throwing anything away, then Junk Gypsies is the perfect choice.
CastAmie SikesJolie Sikes
Premiere DateNovember 27, 2011
IMDB Rating8.6 (27)
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