Ep 68. Luisza v Andrew
- September 15, 2020
- 46 min
Luisza v Andrew is the latest episode of Judge Rinder season 7, featuring a dispute between two parties over a monetary issue. The episode starts with the presenter Robert Rinder introducing the litigants, Luisza and Andrew, both of whom are present in the courtroom.
Luisza is claiming £200 from Andrew, who she says owes her money for a loan. She says that the loan was made two years ago to help Andrew out when he was experiencing financial difficulties. Luisza asserts that Andrew agreed to repay the loan and has only reimbursed her a small portion of the money he borrowed. Due to this, she claims that Andrew is avoiding her calls and has not made any attempt to repay the balance outstanding.
Andrew, on the other hand, disputes the claim. He contends that Luisza lent him the money as a gift, not as a loan. He says that at the time of borrowing, they both were very good friends. Andrew also claims that the money spent by him was reimbursed to Luisza from other sources; however, Luisza, who is self-employed, had no record of any other funds received.
During the episode, both parties present their evidence to the judge and answer questions, revealing inconsistencies in their stories. Luisza provides receipts to prove that the money she lent to Andrew was indeed a loan, while Andrew struggles to offer an explanation to why he has not made any payment towards the loan despite acknowledging the debt.
As the episode unfolds, Robert Rinder tries to get to the bottom of the issue by cross-examining both parties thoroughly. He highlights that there is a significant disparity in the amount that Andrew says he has repaid Luisza and the sums listed on the receipts produced. Andrew struggles to answer the judge's direct questions and occasionally becomes agitated during the exchange.
The judge concludes that Luisza lent the money to Andrew as a loan and had every right to expect payment. He decides in Luisza's favor and orders Andrew to pay the outstanding amount of £200. The episode ends with Andrew looking visibly unhappy at the outcome as he exits the courtroom.
Overall, 'Luisza v Andrew' episode showcases a typical case that comes under Judge Rinder's purview. The case presents a reasonably straightforward dispute concerning a loan that is not unusual in a courtroom environment. The episode highlights how both litigants provided conflicting stories, seeking to obtain a favorable decision from the judge. It further underlines the importance of having evidence to support one's claims in front of a court.