Judge Judy Season 23 Episode 276
Judge Judy
Season 23

Ep 276. Teen Fakes Full-Term Pregnancy?!

  • November 4, 2019

In season 23, episode 276 of Judge Judy, the case of a teenager who fakes a full-term pregnancy is brought to the courtroom. The episode starts with the plaintiff, a woman who claims her neighbor's daughter took advantage of her by pretending to be pregnant and accepting gifts and money from her. The defendant, the teenager who faked the pregnancy, is accused of committing fraud and stealing from the plaintiff.

The plaintiff states that she believed the defendant was pregnant and helped her with groceries, clothes, and other expenses during the nine months of the supposed pregnancy. However, when the due date arrived, the defendant revealed to the plaintiff and her family that she was never actually pregnant. The plaintiff demands the defendant to pay back all the money and gifts that she received while pretending to be pregnant.

In the courtroom, Judge Judy grills the defendant on her reasons for lying about her pregnancy. The defendant claims that she wanted to make her boyfriend happy, who had expressed a desire to become a father. The defendant says that she was scared to tell him the truth and that she did not know how to break the news to him. The plaintiff does not believe the defendant's story and accuses her of manipulating her and her family.

Judge Judy calls for evidence to support the plaintiff's claim. The plaintiff presents receipts, photos, and witness statements that prove the defendant received goods and services from her. The defendant attempts to deny some of the evidence, but Judge Judy dismisses her attempts and demands her to tell the truth.

As the case continues, Judge Judy reveals that she thinks that the defendant was not only manipulating her boyfriend but also trying to con the plaintiff out of her money. The episode then takes an unexpected turn when the defendant's family announces that she has a severe mental illness, and they provide medical reports to support their claim.

Judge Judy listens to both parties and ultimately rules in favor of the plaintiff, ordering the defendant to pay back the money and gifts, but the court waives the interest. Judge Judy adds that she understands that the defendant has a severe illness and that she needs to seek help to get better.

In conclusion, season 23, episode 276 of Judge Judy, deals with the case of a teenager who fakes a full-term pregnancy and accepts gifts and money from a neighbor. The episode presents evidence, witness statements, and medical reports that help Judge Judy to make a fair judgment. The case raises questions about mental health and the adequate medical care for those who suffer from mental illnesses.

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  • First Aired
    November 4, 2019
  • Language