Judge Judy Season 23 Episode 273
Judge Judy
Season 23

Ep 273. Teen Hospitalized After Cat Attack!; Daddy Down Payment Drama!

  • October 30, 2019

In Judge Judy season 23 episode 273, titled "Teen Hospitalized After Cat Attack!; Daddy Down Payment Drama!," viewers are in for an emotionally charged and drama-filled episode. The episode begins with a teenager who claims that her neighbor’s cat viciously attacked and injured her, ultimately leading to hospitalization and medical bills totaling thousands of dollars. The plaintiff claims that she had to have emergency surgery due to the severity of the injuries sustained from the attack and is now seeking compensation from her neighbor's insurance company to cover the medical expenses.

Judge Judy listens to both sides of the story and quickly realizes that there is much more to the situation than meets the eye. The defendant, the owner of the cat, claims that the victim was the one who provoked the animal by repeatedly harassing and antagonizing it. The owner accuses the plaintiff of being the true aggressor in the situation and insists that she should not be held financially responsible for her neighbor's injuries. The judge must determine who is ultimately at fault for the attack and decides whether or not the victim is entitled to compensation.

In the second case, the episode takes a dramatic turn as a man and his ex-girlfriend argue over a car that he allegedly promised to purchase for her, but failed to follow through on. The plaintiff claims that he verbally agreed to loan her money to purchase a new car and deposited a specific amount of money into her bank account, but later reneged on the agreement. The defendant alleges that the plaintiff never intended to follow through on the agreement and that the deposit he made was for an entirely different purpose.

Throughout the course of the hearing, Judge Judy attempts to get to the bottom of the financial agreement between the two parties and determine the true intentions of the plaintiff. The episode becomes increasingly tense as the ex-couple continues to argue over the specifics of the alleged agreement and other aspects of their past relationship that had soured. Ultimately, Judge Judy has to decide whether the plaintiff intentionally misled his ex-girlfriend or if there was a simple misunderstanding between the two.

"Teen Hospitalized After Cat Attack!; Daddy Down Payment Drama!" is a riveting episode of Judge Judy that showcases the judge's ability to navigate complex and emotional cases while maintaining the utmost professionalism and fairness. As always, Judge Judy does not hesitate to hold those at fault accountable for their actions and make tough decisions that ultimately bring justice to the parties involved.

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  • First Aired
    October 30, 2019
  • Language