Judge Judy Season 23 Episode 270
Judge Judy
Season 23

Ep 270. Graphic Designer Hell!

  • TVPG
  • October 25, 2019

In Judge Judy season 23 episode 270 titled "Graphic Designer Hell!", viewers are taken into the court of Judge Judy as she presides over a case involving a graphic designer and her client.

The episode begins with the plaintiff, a graphic designer, explaining to the judge that she was hired by the defendant to design a logo for their business. She claims that she completed the work within the agreed-upon timeline, and that the defendant had approved the design. However, when it came time for the defendant to pay her for the work, they refused, claiming that the design was not up to their standards.

As the case unfolds, it becomes clear that there is much more to the story than meets the eye. The defendant claims that they had asked the plaintiff to make several revisions to the design, but that she had not listened to their requests. They also claim that the plaintiff was difficult to work with and that they were not satisfied with the final product.

Judge Judy listens carefully to both sides of the story and then begins to ask probing questions in an effort to get to the bottom of what really happened. She asks both parties to provide evidence to support their claims, including emails, text messages, and other documentation.

As the case progresses, it becomes clear that there were communication breakdowns on both sides. The plaintiff admits that she did not always respond to the defendant's requests in a timely manner, while the defendant acknowledges that they did not always provide clear instructions.

Despite the challenges, Judge Judy remains focused on finding a fair and just outcome for both parties. She criticizes the defendant for not paying the plaintiff in a timely manner, but also points out that the plaintiff could have done a better job of listening to the defendant's requests.

In the end, Judge Judy rules in favor of the plaintiff and orders the defendant to pay her the full amount owed for the design work. She also offers some parting advice to both parties on the importance of clear communication and professionalism in business dealings.

Overall, "Graphic Designer Hell!" is an engaging and thought-provoking episode of Judge Judy that offers valuable insights into the challenges of working as a graphic designer in a competitive and often difficult industry. The episode is well-paced and expertly edited, making it easy to follow the various twists and turns of the case. Fans of Judge Judy and courtroom dramas in general are sure to enjoy this episode and the fascinating legal dispute at its center.

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  • First Aired
    October 25, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language