Judge Judy Season 23 Episode 269
Judge Judy
Season 23

Ep 269. Go to College or Lose Your Dog!

  • TVPG
  • October 24, 2019

In season 23, episode 269 of Judge Judy titled "Go to College or Lose Your Dog!", a young woman is suing her ex-boyfriend for the return of her dog. She claims that when they were together, they jointly bought a puppy and she took care of it on her own after they broke up. The ex-boyfriend insists that the dog was a gift to him and has refused to return it to her.

As the case unfolds, Judge Judy becomes increasingly frustrated with the young woman's lack of direction in life. She repeatedly asks her about her educational aspirations, to which the woman responds that she has no plans to attend college. In fact, she admits that she has no job, is not actively seeking employment, and is entirely dependent on her mother for financial support.

Judge Judy strongly believes in the value of education and tells the woman that she needs to go to college and get an education. She emphasizes that having a degree will give her the ability to support herself and make better choices in life. The woman insists that she is happy with her life as it is and sees no reason to pursue higher education.

Throughout the episode, Judge Judy delivers stern advice and warnings to the young woman about the importance of taking responsibility for her actions and building a better life for herself. She tells her that without education and job prospects, she will never be able to provide a stable home for her dog or any future pets she may acquire.

Finally, after much back-and-forth between the woman and her ex-boyfriend, Judge Judy orders that the dog be returned to the woman. However, she warns her that if she does not take steps to improve her life and pursue a successful career, she may end up losing the dog again in the future.

Overall, "Go to College or Lose Your Dog!" is a powerful episode of Judge Judy that emphasizes the importance of education, responsibility, and building a stable life. Judge Judy's tough love approach serves as a reminder to viewers that success in life requires hard work and dedication.

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  • First Aired
    October 24, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language