Judge Judy Season 23 Episode 237
Judge Judy
Season 23

Ep 237. Kitten Mauled by Husky?!; Dream Car Is Friend's Nightmare!

  • TVPG
  • September 10, 2019
  • 7.7  (9)

In season 23's episode 237 of Judge Judy, two distinct cases are presented to the honorable Judge Judy Sheindlin. The first case involves a dilemma between two neighbors - one who owns a husky dog and the other who has a kitten. The kitten was allegedly mauled by the husky, and the owner of the kitten is seeking compensation for the resulting veterinarian bills. Both parties present their arguments, with the owner of the husky claiming that the kitten wandered onto their property and that the husky was only trying to protect its home. The owner of the kitten argues that the husky should have been properly restrained, given its history of aggression towards other animals. Judge Judy listens to both sides carefully, and with her no-nonsense style, evaluates the situation before delivering her verdict.

The second case revolves around a dispute between two friends, one who purchased a dream car and the other who claims it is now their nightmare. The friend who bought the car is holding the title, but the other friend claims to have made significant financial contributions towards the purchase and upkeep of the vehicle. The friend who purchased the car argues that the other friend agreed to financial contributions only for the initial repairs and upkeep and did not have any ownership right. As expected, Judge Judy investigates the evidence presented and rules on the matter.

Throughout the episode, Judge Judy's signature wit and no-nonsense approach can be seen as she scrutinizes the evidence and delivers justice. As always, her rulings are final and binding, leaving both parties to accept her decisions. This episode shows Judge Judy's years of experience and expertise in handling complicated legal issues and disputes, highlighting the value of her services as one of the most respected judges in the country. Overall, Kitten Mauled by Husky?!; Dream Car Is Friend's Nightmare! offers a great viewing experience for those who enjoy watching legal disputes and the process of justice being served.

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  • First Aired
    September 10, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (9)