Judge Judy Season 23 Episode 235
Judge Judy
Season 23

Ep 235. Don't You Ever Watch This Show?!; Ill-Prepared Baby Daddy!

  • TVPG
  • September 6, 2019

In season 23 episode 235 of Judge Judy titled "Don't You Ever Watch This Show?!; Ill-Prepared Baby Daddy!", viewers are in for an intense and dramatic episode. The episode begins with a case of a man named Mike who is being sued by his ex-girlfriend, Christy, for unpaid rent and damages to her property. Mike has appeared on Judge Judy before and she warns him not to act foolishly.

However, it seems that Mike did not heed Judge Judy's advice as he shows up to court unprepared and wearing a hat. Judge Judy is not pleased with this and scolds Mike for not taking the matter seriously. As the case progresses, it becomes apparent that Mike has a long history of being irresponsible with money and not respecting the law. As a result, Judge Judy rules in favor of Christy and orders Mike to pay her the full amount owed.

The next case is about a man named Robert who is being sued by his ex-girlfriend, Rachel, for unpaid child support. Robert claims that he has been making payments and is current on child support, but Rachel says otherwise. Moreover, Robert has not visited his child in several months and Rachel is asking for additional child support.

The case becomes more complicated as Robert reveals that he has a new child with another woman and is struggling financially. Judge Judy is not having it and tells Robert that he needs to take care of his responsibilities. She also warns him that if he does not comply with the orders, he will face serious consequences.

As the episode comes to a close, viewers are left with valuable lessons about being responsible with money and honoring one's obligations, especially when it comes to taking care of children. Overall, "Don't You Ever Watch This Show?!; Ill-Prepared Baby Daddy!" is a riveting episode that showcases Judge Judy's no-nonsense approach to justice and her commitment to holding people accountable for their actions.

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  • First Aired
    September 6, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language