Judge Judy Season 23 Episode 231
Judge Judy
Season 23

Ep 231. Ice Cream Parlor Owner Not So Sweet?!

  • September 2, 2019

The show Judge Judy season 23 episode 231 is entitled "Ice Cream Parlor Owner Not So Sweet?!" In this episode, Judge Judy will be presiding over a case involving an ice cream parlor owner who's facing allegations of breach of contract, defamation, and neglect. The plaintiff in this case is a former employee of the defendant's ice cream parlor, who claims that she was wrongfully terminated and subjected to verbal abuse. She's seeking compensation for lost wages and emotional distress.

According to the plaintiff, she was hired by the defendant to work as a manager in her ice cream parlor. She claims that she was promised a salary of $50,000 per year, as well as free housing in a nearby apartment complex. However, after working for the defendant for only a few months, she was abruptly fired without any explanation. The plaintiff believes that she was terminated because she refused to comply with the defendant's unethical business practices, which included underpaying employees and overcharging customers.

Additionally, the plaintiff alleges that the defendant defamed her by spreading false rumors about her to other employees and customers. She claims that the defendant accused her of stealing money from the cash register and of engaging in illegal activity. This has caused her significant emotional distress and has tarnished her reputation in the community.

Finally, the plaintiff claims that the defendant neglected her duty to maintain a safe and sanitary workplace. She alleges that the ice cream parlor was infested with rodents and insects, and that the defendant failed to take any action to address these issues. This put employees and customers at risk of contracting diseases and illness.

In response to these allegations, the defendant denies all wrongdoing and claims that the plaintiff was terminated for failing to perform her job duties properly. She also denies defaming the plaintiff and asserts that any negative statements she made were true. The defendant further contends that the workplace was kept clean and safe, and that there were no infestations.

Judge Judy will need to carefully consider the evidence presented by both parties and determine whether the plaintiff's claims have merit. She will need to determine whether the defendant breached her contract with the plaintiff, whether she defamed the plaintiff, and whether she neglected her duty to maintain a safe and sanitary workplace. If Judge Judy finds in favor of the plaintiff, she will need to determine an appropriate amount of damages to award her. However, if she finds in favor of the defendant, the plaintiff will receive no compensation for her claims.

Overall, this promises to be a tense and emotional case that touches on a number of important legal issues. It will be up to Judge Judy to carefully weigh the evidence and make a fair and just decision.

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  • First Aired
    September 2, 2019
  • Language