Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 88
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 88. Car Takes a Hood Pounding!; If Your Bed Is There, You Are There!

  • January 4, 2018

In season 22 episode 88 of Judge Judy titled "Car Takes a Hood Pounding!; If Your Bed Is There, You Are There!", Judge Judy Sheindlin is back at it again, presiding over two intriguing cases that involve a damaged car and a roommate dispute over lease agreements.

The first case sees a plaintiff alleging that the defendant, a driver who hit their car, is refusing to pay for the damages caused during the accident which included a dented hood. Judge Judy wastes no time in getting to the crux of the matter, grilling the defendant on whether they were indeed responsible for the damage. The case turns out to be more complicated than initially thought, as both the plaintiff and defendant present conflicting testimonies and evidence that leave Judge Judy befuddled. However, she relies on her expertise and sharp wit to get to the bottom of things, ultimately delivering a verdict that provides clarity on who is at fault and who has to pay for the damages.

The second case involves a roommate dispute where the plaintiff accuses his former roommate of breaking the lease agreement by bringing in an unauthorized tenant into their shared apartment. The plaintiff claims he had repeatedly warned the defendant about the consequences of violating the lease agreement, but to no avail. Judge Judy is both exasperated and amused by the bickering between the two parties, who both seem to have a different understanding of their lease agreement. She skillfully unravels the issues at stake, questioning the defendant about their intentions and clarifying the plaintiff's concerns about his living arrangement. Judge Judy's ruling not only settles the legal dispute but also serves as a lesson on the importance of clear communication and understanding between roommates.

Throughout the episode, Judge Judy exudes her trademark no-nonsense approach to jurisprudence, laced with humor, sarcasm, and stern warnings. She manages to keep the parties engaged and entertained, despite the seriousness of the cases being presented. The episode showcases Judge Judy's legal acumen and her ability to dispense justice with fairness, toughness, and practical wisdom.

"Car Takes a Hood Pounding!; If Your Bed Is There, You Are There!" is a typical episode of Judge Judy that entertains and educates viewers on the workings of American small claims court. The cases presented are relatable to anyone who has faced similar situations, either as a plaintiff or defendant. The episode reinforces the notion that the law is meant to protect the rights of all parties involved, and that it takes an experienced judge like Judge Judy to ensure a fair and just outcome.

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  • First Aired
    January 4, 2018
  • Language