Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 46
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 46. Homeless Ex Assaults TV?!; Massage Therapist Payback

  • November 2, 2017

Judge Judy season 22 episode 46 is a double feature episode called "Homeless Ex Assaults TV?!; Massage Therapist Payback". In the first case, a woman is suing her ex-boyfriend for breaking her TV after she kicked him out of her apartment for not paying rent. The ex-boyfriend, who is now homeless, claims that he did not break the TV and that he had nothing to do with it. Judge Judy listens to both sides of the story and studies the evidence before making a ruling.

In the second case, a massage therapist is suing a former client for defamation after the client gave her a bad review online. The massage therapist claims that the client was difficult and made inappropriate remarks during the session, which made her uncomfortable. The client, on the other hand, says that the massage therapist was unprofessional and should not be in business. Judge Judy listens to both sides of the story and examines the review before making a decision.

Both cases are dramatic and entertaining, with plenty of twists and turns. Viewers will be on the edge of their seats as Judge Judy questions the witnesses and makes her ruling. As always, Judge Judy is tough but fair, and she doesn't take any nonsense from anyone. The show is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys courtroom dramas and legal disputes.

Overall, "Homeless Ex Assaults TV?!; Massage Therapist Payback" is a great episode of Judge Judy that showcases the show's unique blend of drama, humor, and legal expertise. Whether you're a fan of the show or just looking for some entertaining television, this episode is sure to deliver. So tune in and see how Judge Judy handles these two challenging cases!

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  • First Aired
    November 2, 2017
  • Language