Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 41
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 41. Injured Cyclist Screaming Like a Lunatic?! - Part 2

  • October 31, 2017

Injured Cyclist Screaming Like a Lunatic?! - Part 2 is the 41st episode of the 22nd season of the popular courtroom reality show Judge Judy. This episode continues the case of a dispute between a cyclist and a driver who claims to have hit him accidentally while the cyclist, the plaintiff in the case, claims it was a deliberate attack.

In the opening scene, Judge Judy introduces the case while recapping the events of the previous episode. She explains that the plaintiff, the cyclist, was injured when he was hit by the defendant's car, resulting in a broken bike and a fractured wrist. The defendant claims that the cyclist banged on her car and threatened her, while the cyclist insists that the defendant intentionally hit him.

As the case proceeds, Judge Judy grills both parties on their versions of what happened, trying to get to the bottom of the conflicting stories. She questions the cyclist about his aggressive behavior, noting that he was screaming and cursing at the defendant and other witnesses at the scene. The plaintiff admits to losing his temper, but explains that he was in pain and angry with the defendant for hitting him. Judge Judy reminds him that his behavior was unacceptable and unhelpful to his case.

Next, the defendant takes the stand and describes how she was driving home from work when the cyclist suddenly appeared in front of her car. She claims that she tried to swerve out of the way but wasn't able to avoid hitting him. Judge Judy asks her to demonstrate her version of events, using a model car and a toy bike to create a scenario in the courtroom. The defendant's retelling of the incident is consistent with her previous statements, but Judge Judy points out several inconsistencies in her story, making her seem less reliable.

The episode then moves on to the medical evidence, with the plaintiff's doctor testifying that the cyclist's injuries were consistent with being hit by a car. The defendant's lawyers try to poke holes in the doctor's testimony, but the evidence seems clear that the cyclist was indeed injured in the incident.

Ultimately, Judge Judy makes her ruling, finding in favor of the plaintiff and awarding him the cost of his bike and medical bills. She notes that the defendant's story was not entirely credible, and that she was not able to produce any evidence to contradict the plaintiff's version of events. The plaintiff leaves the courtroom satisfied with the verdict, while the defendant shows signs of frustration and perhaps disbelief at the outcome.

In conclusion, Injured Cyclist Screaming Like a Lunatic?! - Part 2 is a typical episode of Judge Judy, with the judge using her sharp wit and legal expertise to get to the heart of a dispute between two parties. Despite the dramatic title, the case ends up being fairly straightforward, with the plaintiff being awarded reasonable compensation for his injuries. The episode serves as a reminder that even a minor car accident can have serious consequences, and that it's important to remain calm and focused in stressful situations.

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  • First Aired
    October 31, 2017
  • Language