Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 40
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 40. Groom Gets Cold Feet on Wedding Day!; Landlord Game Changer

  • October 30, 2017

In this episode of Judge Judy, the courtroom is packed with drama and excitement. The first case features a bride who is suing her groom for the cost of the wedding after he got cold feet and called it off at the last minute. The bride is tearful and emotional as she recounts the events of the day, describing how she was left stranded at the altar with no explanation from the groom.

As Judge Judy hears the testimony from both sides, she is quick to pick up on inconsistencies in the groom's story. She questions his motives and integrity, leaving him stuttering and struggling to explain himself. Ultimately, Judge Judy delivers a verdict that leaves both parties surprised, but satisfied with the outcome.

The second case before Judge Judy involves a landlord and tenant dispute. The landlord alleges that the tenant has violated the terms of their lease agreement by subletting the property without permission. The tenant, however, argues that the landlord is trying to raise the rent by introducing new terms to the lease without giving the tenant any say in the matter.

As Judge Judy listens to both sides, she starts to unravel the complicated web of relationships and agreements that led to the dispute. She is not afraid to interrogate both parties and point out their mistakes and missteps. In the end, Judge Judy hands down a decision that seeks to balance the interests of both parties while upholding the rule of law.

Throughout the episode, Judge Judy proves herself to be a formidable and fair arbiter of justice. She is unafraid to challenge assumptions, probe for the truth, and confront dishonesty. Her sharp wit and no-nonsense attitude keep the courtroom in order and ensure that justice is served. Fans of the show will find much to appreciate in this latest episode, as it delivers all the drama, tension, and excitement that viewers have come to expect.

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  • First Aired
    October 30, 2017
  • Language