Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 39
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 39. Biker Tackled by Raging Motorist - Part 1

  • October 30, 2017

In season 22 episode 39 ofJudge Judy, titled "Biker Tackled by Raging Motorist - Part 1", a biker and a motorist come head to head in a case that leaves everyone baffled. The episode revolves around a man named Ethan who was out for a ride on his motorcycle when he was tackled by a motorist named James.

According to Ethan, he was minding his own business, riding along the road when James suddenly ran into him from the back. Ethan claims that he suffered serious injuries due to the collision, including a fractured arm and severe bruises on his legs. He also says that he was in immense pain and had to be hospitalized for several days.

On the other hand, James has a different story to tell. He claims that Ethan was riding recklessly on the road and nearly hit his car. When he confronted Ethan about it, the biker got aggressive and started verbally abusing him. James says that he lost his cool and tackled Ethan in self-defense.

The case has become a he-said-she-said situation, with both parties sticking to their version of events. Judge Judy takes on the case and starts her investigation, first focusing on the evidence presented by Ethan. She examines his medical records and asks him detailed questions about the accident, trying to determine if there is any truth to his claims.

The judge then calls James to testify and asks him about his version of events. Like Ethan, James stands his ground and swears by his story. He also presents some evidence that he claims proves his innocence, including dashcam footage from his car.

As the case progresses, tensions rise between the two parties, and Judge Judy finds it hard to make a decision. She decides to adjourn the case until the next episode to give her enough time to weigh the evidence presented by both parties.

Overall, the episode is a gripping tale of two individuals with vastly different stories. It keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, wondering which party is telling the truth and who will come out on top in the end.

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  • First Aired
    October 30, 2017
  • Language