Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 38
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 38. Slashed Tires and Stolen iPhone?; Moving Violation Bonanza!

  • October 27, 2017

In Season 22, Episode 38 of Judge Judy, titled "Slashed Tires and Stolen iPhone?; Moving Violation Bonanza!," viewers are brought into some heated disputes over varying issues.

In the first case, a young man claims that his ex-girlfriend stole his iPhone while he was sleeping and then pawned it. The ex-girlfriend denies all allegations and accuses him of being abusive toward her. Judge Judy must sort out the truth and come to a conclusion about who is really at fault.

In the second case, a woman is accused of keying her car and causing extensive damage. The accused claims that she did not do it and that the accuser is simply trying to frame her. Both parties present evidence and testimonies, but it ultimately comes down to Judge Judy's decision.

Finally, in the third case, a woman is being sued by her ex-boyfriend for damages to his car after she allegedly slashed his tires. The woman claims that she did not do it and that he is simply trying to get revenge on her for breaking up with him. The ex-boyfriend presents evidence that the slashes were made with a specific knife that the woman has in her possession. Judge Judy must sort through the evidence and testimonies to determine the truth of the matter.

In addition to these three main cases, there are also multiple smaller cases involving moving violations. Judge Judy is presented with a slew of tickets and fines, and she has to determine whether or not they are valid and if the accused should be held responsible.

Throughout the episode, Judge Judy demonstrates her sharp wit, quick thinking, and no-nonsense attitude as she navigates through all of the cases presented before her. She is not afraid to call out liars and hold people accountable for their actions.

Overall, "Slashed Tires and Stolen iPhone?; Moving Violation Bonanza!" is an action-packed and drama-filled episode that is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats as Judge Judy cuts through all of the noise and gets to the heart of each case presented before her.

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  • First Aired
    October 27, 2017
  • Language