Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 37
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 37. Street Cat Fight in Front of Children?! Part 2; Young Waitress Dupes Older Man?

  • October 27, 2017

In this episode of Judge Judy, the courtroom drama continues with two unique cases. The first case involves a vicious cat fight that took place on a crowded street in front of young children. The plaintiff claims that the defendant's cat attacked her cat, resulting in a physical altercation between the two women. However, the defendant argues that the plaintiff's cat was the aggressor and that she was simply defending her own pet.

As Judge Judy listens to both sides of the story, she must determine who is responsible for the altercation and who should be held liable for any damages. She questions witnesses and examines evidence to get to the bottom of the situation and make a fair ruling.

The second case involves a young waitress who is accused of duping an older man out of his money. The plaintiff claims that he met the waitress at his local diner and that she made him believe that she was romantically interested in him. He alleges that she took advantage of his kindness and manipulated him into giving her money for various things.

The waitress, on the other hand, claims that the plaintiff was the one pursuing her and that she never asked him for any money. She argues that he voluntarily gave her money and gifts and that she never promised him anything in return.

As Judge Judy delves into the details of this case, she must determine whether or not the plaintiff was taken advantage of or if he willingly gave the waitress gifts out of his own free will. She examines text messages and financial records to make a final ruling in this complex case.

Overall, Judge Judy season 22 episode 37 offers viewers a glimpse into the often complicated and emotional world of small claims court. From cat fights to love triangles, the cases presented in this episode are sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With her sharp wit and no-nonsense approach, Judge Judy continues to be one of the most popular and beloved courtroom shows on television.

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  • First Aired
    October 27, 2017
  • Language