Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 32
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 32. Attack Victim Cradles Pit Bull Like a Baby?!; Two Lemon Cars Equals Lemonade?

  • October 23, 2017

In season 22 episode 32 of Judge Judy, the first case features a woman who claims she was attacked by a man's pit bull and is suing for medical expenses and emotional damages. The defendant argues that the plaintiff had entered his property without permission, and that the dog only acted in self-defense. However, the plaintiff has a surprising testimony, claiming that she cradled the pit bull like a baby after the attack occurred. Judge Judy has no patience for this type of behavior and becomes stern with both parties while trying to get to the truth of what really happened.

The second case involves two women who both purchased cars from the same dealership. They claim that the vehicles were both lemons and are seeking compensation for their troubles. The defendant, the car dealership's owner, argues that they never gave him a chance to make the necessary repairs and that they should not be entitled to any kind of reimbursement. Judge Judy becomes frustrated with the situation and pushes both parties to reach a fair agreement.

Throughout the episode, Judge Judy gives her trademark no-nonsense attitude while questioning both parties and making her rulings. She is clearly not afraid to call out behavior that she deems unacceptable and uses her experience and intuition to get to the bottom of the cases presented before her. Fans of Judge Judy's tough-love approach to justice will not be disappointed by this episode.

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  • First Aired
    October 23, 2017
  • Language