Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 24
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 24. Pekingese Chihuahua Mating Mess; Camper vs. Computer

  • September 28, 2017

In Judge Judy season 22 episode 24, two distinct cases are brought before the no-nonsense judge. In the first case, a woman is suing her neighbor for damages after the neighbor's Pekingese dog mated with her Chihuahua, resulting in a messy and complicated pregnancy. The plaintiff claims that her dog suffered health problems as a result of the breeding, and is seeking compensation for veterinary bills and emotional distress. The defendant, however, argues that she had no control over her dog's actions and should not be held responsible for any damages.

Judge Judy presses both parties for more information about the situation. She questions the plaintiff about whether or not her own dog was in heat at the time of the incident, and asks the defendant if she took proper measures to control her dog's behavior. As both sides present their cases, it becomes clear that there is no clear-cut answer to who should be held responsible for the damages. Judge Judy ultimately makes a ruling based on the information presented and her own interpretation of the law.

The second case in the episode involves a dispute between two former friends over the sale of a camper van. The plaintiff in the case claims that she loaned her camper van to the defendant, who then sold it without her permission and kept the money for herself. The defendant, on the other hand, argues that the camper van was a gift and that she had every right to sell it.

Judge Judy listens closely as both parties present their sides of the story, and asks pointed questions to clarify the details. She questions the plaintiff about why she would loan such a valuable possession to someone she wasn't sure she could trust, and probes the defendant about her intentions behind the sale. The case turns out to be a tricky one as neither side provides conclusive evidence to support their claims.

Ultimately, Judge Judy makes her ruling based on the procedural and legal issues presented in each case. Despite the messy and complicated situations, Judge Judy remains composed and confident in her decision-making, bringing clarity and closure to both parties involved.

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  • First Aired
    September 28, 2017
  • Language