Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 22
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 22. Home Profits Snafu!; Can You Find the Scam?

  • September 26, 2017

Judge Judy season 22 episode 22 is titled "Home Profits Snafu!; Can You Find the Scam?". In this episode, viewers get to see two cases that involve money-making schemes gone wrong.

In the first case, a woman claims that she was scammed when she signed up for a program that promised to help her make money from home. The woman states that she paid $4,400 to the company and was told that she would receive a website and marketing materials to help her sell products. However, she claims that she never received any of these things and that the company stopped responding to her calls and emails. The woman is suing for the return of her money.

The defendant in this case argues that the woman did receive all the materials promised to her and that the program did work. He claims that the woman just did not put in the effort to make it successful. He countersues for a negative review that the woman wrote about the company, which he claims has hurt the business.

In the second case, a man claims that he was scammed out of $500 when he tried to buy a car online. The man says that he saw an ad on Craigslist for a car that he was interested in and contacted the seller. The seller supposedly told the man that he was out of the country and that the car was being stored at a shipping yard. The seller then asked the man to send him $500 as a deposit for the car. However, after sending the money, the man never heard from the seller again.

The defendant in this case argues that he is not responsible for the scam and that he was also a victim. He claims that he was hired to create a website for a company that sells cars online and that he was not involved in any of the sales or transactions. He also states that someone else had access to the email address that was used to scam the man.

As always, Judge Judy hears both sides of the story and provides her no-nonsense advice on the situation. Viewers can expect to see her asking tough questions and putting the defendants on the spot to get to the bottom of what really happened in each case.

Overall, "Home Profits Snafu!; Can You Find the Scam?" is an episode that highlights how easy it is to become a victim of a scam. Viewers will likely feel sympathy for the plaintiffs in both cases and maybe even learn something new about how to protect themselves from similar schemes.

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  • First Aired
    September 26, 2017
  • Language