Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 212
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 212. College Teacher's DUI Drama!; Haunted Police Payday?

  • June 4, 2018

Judge Judy season 22 episode 212 features two unique cases that showcase the various legal challenges that people face in their daily lives. The first case, entitled "College Teacher's DUI Drama!" involves a college teacher who was arrested for DUI after being pulled over by the police while driving under the influence of alcohol. The plaintiff claims that she was wrongly arrested and that the police officers violated her rights during the arrest. However, the defendant argues that she was clearly intoxicated and was a danger on the road, and that the police had a duty to pull her over and ensure that she did not harm anyone. Judge Judy must weigh the evidence and determine who is liable for the damages in the case.

The second case in this episode is titled "Haunted Police Payday?" and involves two police officers who claim that they were not paid for their overtime work. The plaintiffs argue that they put in several extra hours of work but were not compensated for it, and that their department has a history of withholding pay for overtime work. However, the defendant counters that the plaintiffs did not follow proper procedures for requesting overtime pay, and that the department has strict rules in place to prevent abuse of the system. Judge Judy must evaluate the evidence and determine whether the plaintiffs are entitled to the pay they claim they were owed.

Throughout the episode, Judge Judy demonstrates her keen legal expertise as she hears the evidence and makes decisions based on the law. She questions both plaintiffs and defendants, and attempts to get to the bottom of the legal issues at hand. Her straightforward demeanor and no-nonsense attitude make her a formidable opponent for any litigant, ensuring that both sides come away from the case with a fair and just decision.

Overall, Judge Judy season 22 episode 212 offers a glimpse into the diverse legal challenges that people face in their daily lives, from DUI arrests to wage disputes. It highlights the importance of having a strong understanding of the law, and of seeking out legal help when necessary. Whether you're a college teacher facing a DUI charge or a police officer seeking fair pay for your work, Judge Judy has the expertise and legal acumen to help you navigate the legal system and make the best possible decisions for your future.

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  • First Aired
    June 4, 2018
  • Language