Ep 182. I'm Glad I Had My Mom Arrested!; Gift-Giving 101
- May 8, 2018
In season 22, episode 182 of Judge Judy titled "I'm Glad I Had My Mom Arrested!; Gift-Giving 101," viewers are taken on a wild courtroom ride as two cases go before the no-nonsense judge.
The first case revolves around a mother and son duo, with the son suing his mother for allegedly stealing his belongings and cash. The son reveals that he had his mother arrested, and is now seeking financial compensation for his losses. Judge Judy listens intently as both the son and his mother present their sides of the story, with the son saying that his mother took $10,000 in cash from him, along with his DJ equipment and clothing. The mother, on the other hand, argues that she is entitled to take the items as she was not being paid rent by her son. Judge Judy looks unenthused by the entire affair but takes a stern approach as she lays out the law for the pair.
The second case is a bit lighter, but no less dramatic. The episode title "Gift-Giving 101" gives a hint of what is to come, as Judge Judy hears from two friends who have fallen out over a gift. One friend, the plaintiff, claims that she lent the defendant money to buy a pair of $500 sneakers as a birthday present. However, the defendant did not end up buying the sneakers, and instead used the money for something else entirely. The plaintiff is now seeking to recoup her losses and is not playing around.
As with all episodes of Judge Judy, the two cases provide a glimpse into real-life disputes that are all too common. With Judge Judy at the helm, there's never a dull moment as the judge uses her well-honed skills to cut through the lies and get to the truth of the matter. Fans of the show can expect Judge Judy's trademark wit and sharp tongue to be on full display in this episode as she delivers her verdicts with the usual no-nonsense approach. Whether you're a longtime fan of the show or simply tuning in for the first time, "I'm Glad I Had My Mom Arrested!; Gift-Giving 101" is sure to be an entertaining ride.