Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 18
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 18. Got $42,000? Plane for Sale!

  • September 21, 2017

Judge Judy season 22 episode 18 titled "Got $42,000? Plane for Sale!" features a case between two former friends named Anthony and Daniel. Anthony claims that Daniel purchased a plane from him for $42,000 but never paid him and failed to return the plane. Daniel denies these accusations and claims that he had an agreement with Anthony to trade a car he owned for the plane, which he did.

The episode begins with Anthony explaining to Judge Judy that he owns a small airplane and had put it up for sale for $42,000. He says that Daniel expressed interest in purchasing the plane and the two of them met to discuss the details of the sale. According to Anthony, they agreed on a price, and Daniel said he would pay him the $42,000 within a week. Anthony claims that he never received the payment and when he tried to contact Daniel, he didn't respond. Eventually, Anthony says he went to Daniel's house to look for the plane and saw that it was parked in his driveway. However, Daniel refused to give him the plane or the payment.

Daniel, on the other hand, has a different story to tell. He admits to meeting Anthony about the plane but says that they didn't agree on a price. Instead, they made a deal to trade the plane for a car that Daniel owned. In Daniel's version of events, he says that after the trade, Anthony started harassing him, asking for more money and threatening to call the police. Daniel claims that he felt scared for his safety and decided to keep the plane in his possession until he could settle the matter with Anthony.

As always, Judge Judy listens to both sides of the story and tries to decipher the truth. She questions Anthony and Daniel about their agreement and asks to see any documents that might support their claims. Anthony produces a bill of sale with the agreed-upon price of $42,000, while Daniel has a written statement from Anthony saying that he would accept the car as a trade for the plane. There is a sharp contrast in the two pieces of evidence, and Judge Judy examines them closely to determine which version of the story is more credible.

During the hearing, Judge Judy also confronts both men about their demeanor in the courtroom. She chastises Anthony for being overly aggressive and dismissive towards Daniel, while also calling out Daniel for being evasive in his answers. Judge Judy tells them both that they need to be more respectful and forthcoming if they want to be taken seriously in her courtroom.

In the end, Judge Judy makes her ruling based on the evidence presented in court. She orders Daniel to pay Anthony the full $42,000 for the plane and return it to him immediately. Judge Judy also warns Daniel that if he fails to comply with the ruling, he will face legal consequences and may be held in contempt of court.

Overall, Judge Judy's "Got $42,000? Plane for Sale!" is a typical episode of the popular courtroom reality show, featuring a dispute between two individuals and a no-nonsense judge trying to get to the bottom of the matter. The episode highlights the importance of having a clear and documented agreement when dealing with high-priced items and also underscores the need for mutual respect and honesty in any transaction.

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  • First Aired
    September 21, 2017
  • Language