Ep 179. Shih Tzu Comes Between Lesbian Ex-Lovers!; Lesson in Respect Man Won't Forget!
- May 7, 2018
In Judge Judy season 22 episode 179, titled "Shih Tzu Comes Between Lesbian Ex-Lovers!; Lesson in Respect Man Won't Forget!", Judge Judy presides over two cases. The first case involves two former lesbian lovers who are disputing custody of their shared Shih Tzu. One of the women claims that the other is not taking proper care of the dog and wants full custody, while the other woman argues that the dog is better off with both of them. Judge Judy listens to both sides and tries to come to a fair and just decision.
In the second case, a man is suing his former employer for wrongful termination. The man claims that he was fired for no reason and without warning, and is seeking compensation for lost wages. However, the employer argues that the man was let go due to his disrespectful behavior towards his coworkers and the company's policies. Judge Judy must determine whether or not the man was unjustly terminated and if he is entitled to any compensation.
Throughout both cases, Judge Judy uses her no-nonsense approach and sharp wit to cut through the emotions and get to the heart of the matter. She asks tough questions and demands honest answers, ensuring that justice is served fairly and evenly. The audience watches as both parties try to plead their case, hoping to come out on top.
In the end, Judge Judy delivers her verdicts and provides valuable lessons on respect, responsibility, and accountability. The viewers are left with a greater understanding of the importance of communication and compromise in any relationship, whether it be between former lovers or former coworkers. Judge Judy continues to be a beloved and iconic figure in the world of daytime television, providing entertainment and insight to her audience with each new episode.