Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 17
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 17. Mermaid Mural and Assault in the Yogurt Shop?!; Stylist Wars!

  • September 21, 2017

Judge Judy is a court show that airs daily on television where Judge Judith Sheindlin settles a wide variety of cases, ranging from business disputes to personal disagreements. In the latest episode of season 22, episode 17, the cases presented include Mermaid Mural and Assault in the Yogurt Shop?!; Stylist Wars!.

The first case of the episode involves a mural painter who was commissioned by a business owner to paint a mermaid mural on the outside of his building. However, after the job was completed, the business owner was not pleased with the final product and refused to pay the full amount agreed upon. The plaintiff, the mural painter, claims that the defendant, the business owner, was difficult to work with and constantly changed his mind about what he wanted for the mural. The defendant claims that the plaintiff did not follow his instructions and did a poor job on the mural. Judge Judy listens to both sides and ultimately makes a decision on how much the defendant should pay the plaintiff for the work done.

The second case presented involves an altercation at a yogurt shop where the plaintiff claims to have been assaulted by the defendant after she confronted him about cutting in line ahead of her. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant hit her with his scooter while trying to leave the scene. The defendant asserts that he did not hit the plaintiff and that she was the one who became aggressive towards him. Judge Judy evaluates the evidence and witnesses presented and makes a ruling in favor of one of the parties.

The final case of the episode involves two hairstylists who had a falling out after one of them left the salon they were both working at to start her own business. The plaintiff claims that the defendant took advantage of her by using her connections to get clients for her new salon. The defendant argues that the plaintiff was using her connections to build her reputation and ultimately decided to strike out on her own. Judge Judy hears from both side and discerns who acted inappropriately, if either.

Overall, Judge Judy season 22 episode 17 presents a range of cases that highlight the varied disputes that can arise between people. From artistic disagreements to physical altercations, Judge Judy listens to both side to reach a fair and just decision.

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  • First Aired
    September 21, 2017
  • Language