Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 164
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 164. Sobriety, Cheap Housing and Dangerous Heating; Sneakiest Insurance Scam Ever

  • April 25, 2018

In the 164th episode of Judge Judy's 22nd season, viewers are taken on a wild ride through two separate cases full of unique challenges and dubious claims.

The first case involves a couple who are seeking a new, affordable housing solution. They claim that they were scammed by a landlord who advertised his property as newly renovated and in great condition, only to move in and find that the heating was faulty and they were constantly exposed to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. The couple is seeking damages for the cost of a hotel stay while they moved, as well as compensation for the health risks and trauma caused by the landlord's negligence.

However, as their case unfolds in the courtroom, Judge Judy realizes that there might be more to the story. The landlord in question also steps forward to offer his side of the tale, arguing that the couple was negligent in their use of the heating system and that they were not as blameless as they claimed. As the two sides of the story clash in court, it's up to Judge Judy to sift through the facts and reach a fair and just verdict.

The second half of the episode takes on an even more complex challenge, as a woman is suing her ex-boyfriend for what she claims is the "sneakiest insurance scam" she has ever encountered. The plaintiff claims that after their relationship ended, her ex-boyfriend convinced her to cash in an insurance policy that she had taken out on his life. He promised that he would use the money to pay off debts and start a business, but instead, he disappeared with the funds, leaving her with nothing but a broken heart and significant financial losses.

The ex-boyfriend, however, has his own version of the story, arguing that the plaintiff was aware of his intentions and that they had an agreement that he would use the insurance policy payout as he saw fit. He also claims that their relationship had ended long before the insurance policy came into play, and that the plaintiff is being vindictive in trying to recoup the money she willingly gave.

As these two stories play out in front of Judge Judy, viewers are left on the edge of their seats, wondering how she will rule in each case. With her trademark wit, wisdom, and no-nonsense approach to getting to the heart of an issue, Judge Judy manages to navigate the complex web of claims and counterclaims with ease, delivering resolutions that are sure to satisfy both parties and the audience at home.

Overall, this episode of Judge Judy is a thrilling ride from start to finish, with compelling cases, dramatic twists, and plenty of insight into the workings of the legal system. Whether you're a long-time fan of the show or a newcomer to the exciting world of courtroom dramas, you're sure to find plenty to love in this exciting episode.

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  • First Aired
    April 25, 2018
  • Language