Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 163
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 163. Drive Away From the Hurricane!; Friends Do Let Friends Drive Drunk!

  • April 25, 2018

In this episode of Judge Judy, two separate cases are presented to the judge. The first case involves a hurricane evacuee who allowed a friend to borrow her car while she went to stay with family out of state. When the friend returned the car, it had been damaged and the owner wanted the friend to pay for the repair costs. The friend claimed that the car was already damaged when she borrowed it, and that she had not caused any new damage. Both parties were emotional and adamant in their positions, leading Judge Judy to have to sift through conflicting testimonies and evidence to determine who was responsible for the damage to the car.

The second case involved two friends who had been out drinking and were involved in a car accident. The driver, who was also the owner of the car, was sued by her passenger for injuries she sustained in the accident. The passenger claimed that the driver was drunk and reckless, and that she had begged her not to drive but was ignored. The driver claimed that she was not drunk and that the accident was caused by the passenger's screaming and grabbing the wheel. Judge Judy had to determine the level of intoxication of the driver and whether she was responsible for the accident, as well as whether the passenger had contributed to the accident by grabbing the wheel.

Throughout both cases, Judge Judy utilized her no-nonsense approach and incisive questioning to get to the bottom of each dispute. She was especially harsh on both defendants, reminding them of their responsibilities as car owners and drivers and chastising them for their reckless behavior. She also criticized the lack of evidence presented by both parties, emphasizing the importance of concrete proof in legal disputes.

Overall, this episode of Judge Judy provides a glimpse into the real-life legal issues that people face on a daily basis, and the importance of diligence, responsibility, and accountability in both borrowing and driving cars. As always, Judge Judy's trademark wit and straightforward approach make for a compelling and educational viewing experience.

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  • First Aired
    April 25, 2018
  • Language