Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 16
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 16. Unwed Teen Parent Turmoil & CPS Visits

  • September 20, 2017

In season 22 episode 16 of Judge Judy, viewers are taken on a journey through the complex world of unwed teen parents and Child Protective Services (CPS) visits. The episode explores the challenges and difficulties some young parents face, including navigating co-parenting, custody battles, and visits from CPS.

The episode begins with a young couple who are no longer together, but share a child. They are in court over a dispute about visitation rights and the father's failure to pay child support. Judge Judy listens to both sides and provides guidance on how to communicate more effectively and come to an agreement that benefits their child. She stresses the importance of preventing their personal disagreements from spilling over into their child's life.

Next, the show introduces a couple who are currently in a custody battle over their young child. The mother claims that the father is unfit to care for their child due to a recent arrest and addiction issues. The father, however, claims that the mother is being unreasonable and is preventing him from seeing his child. Judge Judy carefully reviews evidence presented by both sides before coming to a decision on the custody arrangement that will ultimately be in the best interest of the child.

The episode also features a case where a teenage mother is seeking custody of her child, but is facing resistance from the paternal grandmother. The grandmother argues that the mother is not financially stable enough to care for the child and that she should continue to have custody. Judge Judy considers the evidence presented, including the teenager's high school transcripts and a tour of her living situation, before making a decision on the custody arrangement.

Towards the end of the episode, a family is facing a visit from CPS due to allegations of neglect and abuse. The mother claims that the accusations are unfounded, and Judge Judy stresses the importance of cooperating with CPS. She advises the family to comply with the investigation, provide all necessary information, and take the necessary steps to ensure the safety and well-being of their children.

Overall, season 22 episode 16 of Judge Judy is a thought-provoking and emotional journey through the challenges faced by unwed teen parents and families facing CPS visits. The episode provides valuable insight into the legal and emotional complexities of custody battles, co-parenting, and the importance of prioritizing the child's well-being. While the cases explored are unique, they each offer valuable lessons and reminders of the importance of compassion, communication, and cooperation in navigating complex family dynamics.

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  • First Aired
    September 20, 2017
  • Language