Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 154
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 154. Homeless and Helpless?!; Deceased Father's Debt Drama!

  • March 15, 2018

In this episode of Judge Judy, two sisters are in court disputing their deceased father's debt. The sisters explain that their father was homeless and had accumulated a lot of debt. The debt collector is suing the sisters for the unpaid amount of debt.

One sister claims that their father had always promised to repay the debt but never had the chance to do so. The other sister argues that the debt is not their responsibility as they did not co-sign any loans.

The debt collector argues that the sisters benefited from their father's debt and therefore should be held accountable for it. He also presents evidence of phone calls and text messages from the sisters where they acknowledged the debt and promised to repay it.

As Judge Judy listens to all the evidence and arguments presented, she questions the motives of both sides. She highlights the fact that the debt was not legally transferred to the sisters and therefore the collector has no legal basis to sue them. She also points out that the sisters were not in a position to benefit from their father's debt as he was homeless and had nothing to his name.

The judge orders the case to be dismissed and advises the sisters to document all their communications with the debt collector in case he decides to file another lawsuit. She also advises them to seek legal counsel if they receive any more legal notices or phone calls.

In the end, the sisters leave the courtroom relieved and grateful for Judge Judy's fair judgment. They are reminded of the importance of documenting all legal transactions and handling their father's financial affairs responsibly. The episode serves as a cautionary tale for those dealing with unpaid debts and financial responsibilities.

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  • First Aired
    March 15, 2018
  • Language