Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 145
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 145. Friends Let Friends Drive Drunk?!; Wedding Band Break-Up!; Prove It's My Fault!

  • March 2, 2018

Judge Judy season 22 episode 145 features three different cases that will leave the audience in awe. The first case revolves around whether friends should let friends drive drunk. In this case, a woman sues her former friend for totaling her car while drunk and not paying her back for it. The defendant, on the other hand, argues that the plaintiff was aware of her drinking problem and should have never let her drive in the first place. Judge Judy will have to decide if the plaintiff is also responsible for her car being totaled.

The second case is about a wedding band break-up between two former lovers. The plaintiff, a singer, sues her ex-boyfriend who was also a member of the band for the lost income after he left the band without warning. The defendant claims that he has a legitimate reason for leaving as he was being treated unfairly by the other members of the band. Judge Judy will have to determine if the defendant had a valid reason to leave and if the plaintiff deserves compensation.

The third case is a classic "he said, she said," situation where the plaintiff and defendant argue over who is responsible for an accident. The plaintiff claims that the defendant rear-ended her while driving on the highway. The defendant, however, argues that the plaintiff stopped suddenly for no reason, and therefore, she is responsible for the accident. Judge Judy will have to determine who is at fault in this case.

All three cases in this episode are unique and pose different challenges for Judge Judy to make a fair decision. The first case raises the question of responsibility when it comes to friends and their actions, especially when it comes to drunk driving. The second case explores the world of music bands, where emotions and personal relationships can often clash with business decisions. The third case is a classic example of a he-said-she-said situation where one person has to be deemed responsible for the accident.

Throughout the episode, Judge Judy will use her vast experience and sharp mind to listen to the arguments of both sides and make a fair decision. She will analyze the evidence and testimony provided by both parties and base her ruling on the law and common sense.

In conclusion, Judge Judy season 22 episode 145 presents a unique and fascinating look at the legal system and how it deals with various cases and situations. The cases presented in this episode are relatable and will appeal to a diverse audience. As always, Judge Judy will deliver her judgments in her usual no-nonsense style, making it an entertaining and educational experience for viewers.

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  • First Aired
    March 2, 2018
  • Language