Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 141
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 141. Lying to Brooklyn Police?!; Uber Relationship Fail

  • February 27, 2018

Judge Judy season 22 episode 141 is titled "Lying to Brooklyn Police?!; Uber Relationship Fail." This episode features two separate cases, both of which involve relationships gone sour.

The first case involves a young couple who were pulled over by Brooklyn police and accused of marijuana possession. The man claims that he was not aware that there was marijuana in the car and that the drugs belonged to his girlfriend. However, the girlfriend denies this and says that he was the one who had the marijuana. Judge Judy hears testimony from both parties and determines who is telling the truth.

The second case involves two people who met on the ride-sharing app Uber and had a short-lived romantic relationship. The woman is suing the man for the cost of a phone that he allegedly damaged during an argument. The man denies causing any harm to the phone and argues that the woman is simply trying to extort money from him. Judge Judy listens to both sides of the story and tries to get to the bottom of what really happened.

Throughout the episode, Judge Judy uses her no-nonsense approach to uncover the truth and dispense justice. She asks tough questions and doesn't tolerate any dishonesty or backpedaling from the parties involved. The cases both culminate in a dramatic climax as Judge Judy delivers her verdict and dispenses punishment to those who are found guilty.

Overall, "Lying to Brooklyn Police?!; Uber Relationship Fail" is a highly entertaining episode of Judge Judy that showcases the show's trademark blend of drama, humor, and justice. Fans of the show will not be disappointed by the exciting proceedings that unfold in this episode.

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  • First Aired
    February 27, 2018
  • Language