Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 14
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 14. Don't Sell Dogs to Teenagers!; World's Worst Roommate?!

  • September 19, 2017

In season 22 episode 14 of Judge Judy, the first case before the court is about the sale of a dog to a teenager. The plaintiff claims that she sold her dog to the defendant's daughter on the condition that the dog would be well taken care of. However, the plaintiff later discovered that the defendant's daughter was neglecting the dog and had left it outside in the cold. The plaintiff is seeking the return of the dog or compensation for its well-being.

Judge Judy is quick to point out that selling a dog to a teenager is not a smart decision. She reminds both parties that dogs require a lot of attention and care, and that the responsibility is not something that should be taken lightly. She also stresses the importance of reading and understanding the terms of any agreement before entering into it.

The defendant argues that her daughter is responsible and was fully aware of the care required for a dog. She claims that the plaintiff had no right to take the dog back and that her daughter has been taking good care of it ever since. Judge Judy, however, is not convinced and advises the defendant to take the matter seriously and ensure that the dog is being properly cared for.

In the second case of the episode, Judge Judy deals with the issue of a bad roommate. The plaintiff claims that the defendant, her former roommate, was consistently late on rent payments and had caused many conflicts during their living arrangement. She is seeking compensation for the unpaid rent and damages caused by the defendant's negligence.

The defendant counters by accusing the plaintiff of being a bad roommate herself. She claims that the plaintiff was overly controlling and constantly picked fights over small issues. She also accuses the plaintiff of causing damage to the apartment.

Judge Judy listens carefully to both sides before making a decision. She points out that, regardless of any issues between the roommates, the defendant was responsible for her share of the rent and has not fulfilled that obligation. She orders her to pay the plaintiff the amount owed.

Overall, this episode of Judge Judy serves as a reminder of the legal and moral responsibilities that come with owning a pet and the importance of clear communication and mutual respect in any living arrangement.

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  • First Aired
    September 19, 2017
  • Language