Judge Judy Season 22 Episode 11
Judge Judy
Season 22

Ep 11. Heartthrob Concert Chaos!

  • September 18, 2017

In the eleventh episode of the twenty-second season of Judge Judy titled "Heartthrob Concert Chaos!", the courtroom is filled with young girls and their parents eagerly awaiting the arrival of their favorite musical heartthrobs. The case features two sisters who have brought their mother to court over money they claim she owes them since they've spent their own money on tickets to a concert for the aforementioned heartthrobs.

According to the sisters, their mother initially offered to buy them the tickets to the concert but then reneged on her offer, prompting the sisters to take matters into their own hands and purchase the pricey tickets themselves. They argue that their mother has always been unreliable when it comes to following through on her promises, and this particular instance only serves as an example of her neglectful behavior.

Their mother, however, denies having made such a promise in the first place and insists that it was all a misunderstanding. She claims that the sisters assumed she would buy the tickets for them without her actually ever having agreed to do so. The mother assures Judge Judy that she is not intentionally trying to cheat her daughters out of their money, but the sisters remain adamant in their belief that their mother is in the wrong.

As the case unfolds, Judge Judy must decide who is telling the truth and whether the mother owes the sisters any money. She carefully listens to both sides of the story, examining each piece of evidence that they present to support their respective claims. However, as the arguments escalate and tensions rise, Judge Judy must intervene to bring the situation back to order and prevent it from devolving into chaos.

Ultimately, Judge Judy's verdict may come as a surprise to both the sisters and their mother. With her trademark wit and unparalleled legal expertise, she will have the final say in this heartthrob concert chaos that has brought this family into her courtroom.

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  • First Aired
    September 18, 2017
  • Language