Jozi-H is a riveting television drama series produced by ReelAfrican that first hit screens in 2006. Set in the heart of Johannesburg, South Africa's bustling metropolis, this medical drama provides a rich blend of character-driven narrative and edge-of-your-seat medical emergencies. It delivers a heartbeat-raising exploration of South Africa's unique and complex medical landscape, showcasing the dynamic, diverse, and vibrant city of Johannesburg while making the global medical profession compellingly relatable.
The heart of the show is the high-energy trauma unit 'HELIOS' at Johannesburg Hospital where a team of dedicated doctors and medical personnel work tirelessly around-the-clock to provide emergency care to the city's population. The hospital serves as a melting pot where the challenges and tensions of a rapidly changing society are experienced daily in life-or-death situations.
The squad of characters includes veteran trauma surgeon Dr. Jenny Langford, the hospital
CastSarah AllenLouise BarnesVincent Walsh
Premiere DateOctober 13, 2006
IMDB Rating8.5 (42)
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