Joey Season 1 Episode 20
Season 1

Ep 20. Joey and the Neighbor

  • March 24, 2005
  • 21 min
  • 7.7  (329)

Joey season 1 episode 20, titled "Joey and the Neighbor," is an enticing episode where Joey sets his eyes on his neighbor, Sara, who happens to be newly single. Joey and Michael are readily waiting for Sara to move into her new apartment, and when they spot her enter the building, Joey is instantly smitten. He follows her into the elevator and tries to charm her by offering to help her move in.

Sara is hesitant at first but eventually agrees, and Joey is over the moon about the opportunity to spend time with her. As they enter Sara's apartment, Joey tries to impress her by showcasing some of his cooking skills. Sara is visibly impressed and asks Joey if he can teach her how to cook. Joey seizes the opportunity and agrees to teach her how to make his signature dish, spaghetti and meatballs.

They have a great time cooking together, and Joey realizes that he might have found a genuine connection with Sara. However, things take an awkward turn when Joey leans in for a kiss, and Sara quickly backs away, reminding him that she just got out of a relationship and isn't ready to pursue anything new.

Joey is crushed, but Michael steps in and gives him some advice. He tells Joey to respect Sara's boundaries, and if she isn't ready for a relationship, he should still try to be a good neighbor and friend. Joey takes Michael's advice to heart and decides to give Sara some space.

In the meantime, Gina is also dealing with her own relationship turmoil. She has been seeing a man named Jackson, but she's not sure if she's ready to commit. She confides in Alex, who advises her to make a pro-con list to help her make a decision. However, the more Gina thinks about it, the more conflicted she becomes.

Joey tries to cheer her up by taking her out for a night on the town, but things go awry when they end up in a seedy dive bar. They get into an altercation with some locals, and Gina realizes that she isn't ready to handle the chaos that comes with Joey's lifestyle.

As the episode comes to a close, Joey apologizes to Sara for his behavior and promises to give her the space she needs. Gina also realizes that she needs to be honest with Jackson and tell him how she feels. The episode ends with a feeling of closure and the sense that these characters are growing and changing as they navigate their relationships and personal struggles.

Overall, "Joey and the Neighbor" is an entertaining episode full of heart and humor. It tackles themes of love, friendship, and personal growth, all while keeping audiences engaged with its sharp writing and endearing characters. Fans of the show will not want to miss this memorable episode.

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  • First Aired
    March 24, 2005
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (329)