Joey Season 1 Episode 18
Season 1

Ep 18. Joey and the Wrong Name

  • February 17, 2005
  • 21 min
  • 7.4  (334)

Joey season 1 episode 18 titled "Joey and the Wrong Name" follows Joey as he becomes increasingly frustrated that people keep mispronouncing his last name. He decides to take matters into his own hands and legally changes his name to Tribbiani. The episode also features Joey's struggles with online dating, as he goes on a date with a woman who doesn't look like her profile picture. Meanwhile, Alex is tasked with directing a commercial for a local car dealership, but things take a hilarious turn when one of the actors shows up drunk on set.

The episode begins with Joey getting ready for a date he secured through an online dating app. He is excited to meet the woman, but things go awry when he realizes that her profile picture was heavily photoshopped. When he confronts her about the picture, she becomes defensive and storms out of the restaurant. Joey is disappointed but decides to soldier on and continues swiping through profiles.

The next day, Joey wakes up to find that a delivery man has mispronounced his last name as "Trippiani." This is not the first time this has happened, and Joey becomes increasingly frustrated that nobody can get his name right. He decides to legally change his name to Tribbiani, which at least is easier to pronounce.

Meanwhile, Alex is working on directing a commercial for a local car dealership. She is excited about the opportunity, but things take a turn when one of the actors, Ray, shows up drunk on set. Despite his condition, he insists on going through with the shoot and hilarity ensues. Alex tries her best to work with him, but ultimately has to call it quits for the day.

Back at Joey's apartment, he shows off his new driver's license with his updated last name to Michael and Gina. They are surprised but supportive of Joey's decision. Gina even suggests that they get matching tattoos to celebrate.

The next day, Joey is out with his friends when he introduces himself as Joey Tribbiani. They are confused at first, but Joey explains his reasoning behind the name change. Michael and Gina decide to get matching tattoos with Joey, while Alex joins in and gets one as well.

Later, Joey goes on another date with a woman he met online. This time, the woman looks nothing like her profile picture. Joey is disappointed but decides to give her a chance anyway. Things don't go well, and Joey ends up offending her by guessing her age incorrectly.

The episode ends with Alex finishing the car dealership commercial with Ray. Despite his drunkenness, the commercial turns out to be a success, much to Alex's relief.

Overall, "Joey and the Wrong Name" is an entertaining episode that showcases Joey's quirky personality and his struggles with online dating. It also features some hilarious moments with Alex and Ray on the set of the car dealership commercial. Fans of the show will enjoy seeing Joey take matters into his own hands and legally change his name, as well as the tattoo bonding moment between Joey, Michael, Gina, and Alex.

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  • First Aired
    February 17, 2005
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (334)