Joey Season 1 Episode 17
Season 1

Ep 17. Joey and the Valentine's Date

  • February 10, 2005
  • 21 min
  • 7.3  (354)

Joey season 1 episode 17, titled "Joey and the Valentine's Date", follows Joey as he tries to navigate the often confusing world of dating. With Valentine's Day fast approaching, Joey finds himself feeling lonely and longing for a companion to share the day with.

After a failed attempt to ask out his attractive neighbor, Joey turns to his friends for guidance. However, their advice is less than helpful, and Joey soon finds himself on a string of disastrous dates. From a woman obsessed with dogs to a woman who constantly talks about her ex-husband, Joey is beginning to lose hope.

Feeling discouraged, Joey confides in his agent, Bobbie, who suggests that he take a break from dating and focus on himself for a while. Joey takes her advice and decides to take up a new hobby - painting. With Bobbie's help, Joey sets up a studio in his apartment and begins to experiment with different styles and techniques.

As Valentine's Day approaches, Joey realizes that he is actually enjoying his newfound hobby and decides to host an art exhibit for his friends. However, things take an unexpected turn when one of his ex-girlfriends shows up to the exhibit, hoping to reconcile.

Joey finds himself torn between his former flame and his current passion for painting, but ultimately decides to stay true to himself and pursue his artistic endeavors. As he continues to grow and explore his creative side, Joey discovers that love and companionship can come in many different forms and that the most important relationship is the one he has with himself.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to the signature humor and heart that made "Joey" such a beloved sitcom during its run. With its relatable themes and lovable cast of characters, "Joey and the Valentine's Date" is a must-watch installment of this classic series.

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  • First Aired
    February 10, 2005
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (354)