Watch Jiva!
- 2021
- 1 Season
6.0 (331)
Jiva! is a South African musical drama series that premiered on Netflix in June 2021. The show is a perfect blend of drama, comedy, and music that explores the vibrant dance culture of Durban, South Africa. The show follows the life of a talented street dancer, Ntombi (Noxolo Dlamini), who dreams of becoming a professional dancer. However, Ntombi struggles to balance her passion for dance with her family obligations, as she is expected to take over her family's chicken business.
Despite her challenges, Ntombi finds the courage to follow her dreams and sets out to audition for the prestigious Jiva Kwelanga Dance Academy. Along the way, she meets and befriends a diverse group of dancers, who also strive to make it big in the dance world.
The show's cast is led by Sivuyile Ngesi, who plays the role of Uncle Tebza, Ntombi's supportive uncle who is also a former dancer. Ntuthuzelo Grootboom plays the role of Vuyiswa, the head of Jiva Kwelanga Dance Academy, who is also a formidable dancer and choreographer. Meanwhile, Tony Kgoroge plays the role of Mtho, a stern businessman and Ntombi's father.
Apart from the primary cast, Jiva! also features a host of talented actors and dancers, who play various roles throughout the series. The show's creators bring a unique perspective to the African dance world and showcase the diversity and richness of the Durban street dance culture.
One of the show's strengths is its music, which blends traditional South African sounds with contemporary rhythms to create an energetic and exciting soundtrack. The choreography is also top-notch, and the show's talented dancers deliver impressive performances that highlight the beauty and complexity of the different genres of dance showcased in the show.
As the series progresses, Ntombi faces various challenges in her quest to become a professional dancer. She grapples with family conflict, jealousy, and self-doubt, all while preparing for the Jiva Kwelanga Dance Academy audition. The show's plot is well-developed, and the characters are fleshed out enough to keep viewers interested in their journeys.
Overall, Jiva! is an excellent addition to Netflix's African content offerings. The show's vibrant music, dance, and drama are a refreshing break from the typical Western-focused mainstream content. The series celebrates the richness of African culture while providing a nuanced exploration of contemporary South Africa's challenges and triumphs.
The show is an entertaining and fun watch that is suitable for both young and old audiences. Its themes of pursuing one's dreams and breaking free from societal expectations resonate with viewers of all backgrounds, making it a relatable and engaging series for all. Jiva! is bound to leave viewers mesmerized by the beauty of Durban's dance culture and eager for more.
Jiva! is a series that ran for 1 seasons (5 episodes) between June 24, 2021 and on Netflix