Watch Invisible City
- 2021
- 2 Seasons
7.2 (7,717)
Invisible City is a Brazilian series that premiered on Netflix in 2021. The show is centered around an environmental police officer named Eric, played by Marco Pigossi, who becomes immersed in the mystical world of Brazilian folklore after discovering a dead river dolphin on the beach.
When he arrives at the scene, Eric discovers that the death of the animal is not a natural one, and begins to investigate the strange circumstances surrounding its demise. His investigation leads him to a hidden city that is not visible to the human eye, where mythical creatures from Brazilian folklore reside.
In this invisible city, Eric meets Manaus, played by Manuela Dieguez, a single mother who is forced to hide her true identity as a siren to protect both herself and her son. As Eric delves deeper into the mysteries of this fantastical world, he begins to unravel a hidden agenda that threatens the existence of the invisible city and puts its inhabitants in danger.
Throughout the series, Eric must navigate the struggle between the human world and the mythological one, while protecting those he loves and preserving the delicate balance between nature and civilization. The show is a unique mix of fantasy, drama, thriller, and mystery that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to discover the secrets that lie within the magical world of Invisible City.
One of the standout features of the show is its stunning cinematography, which transports viewers deep into the mystical world of Brazilian folklore. The use of dark, moody lighting and ethereal imagery creates a distinctly eerie and atmospheric tone that perfectly captures the otherworldly nature of the invisible city.
The show also features an outstanding cast, led by Marco Pigossi, who delivers a compelling performance as the conflicted environmental police officer who must come to terms with the existence of a world beyond his understanding. Manuela Dieguez shines as Manaus, bringing both strength and vulnerability to her portrayal of a woman who must constantly hide her true identity in order to survive.
Alessandra Negrini also delivers a memorable performance as Ines, a powerful shaman who holds the key to the fate of the invisible city. Her character is both enigmatic and intriguing, adding an extra layer of complexity to the show's already rich and multifaceted plot.
Overall, Invisible City is an enthralling and visually stunning series that masterfully blends Brazilian mythology with modern-day storytelling. With its well-crafted characters, intricate plot, and hauntingly beautiful visuals, the show is a must-watch for fans of fantasy, mystery, and drama alike.
Invisible City is a series that ran for 2 seasons (12 episodes) between February 5, 2021 and on Netflix