Invasion Earth Season 1 Episode 5
Invasion Earth
Season 1

Ep 5. Invasion Earth Episode 5

  • TV-PG
  • June 5, 1998

In Kirkhaven, Dr. Vickers has been treating the townspeople. Shortly after he leaves the very ill Jenny Marchant, she is abducted by the nDs. Tucker volunteers to be the test subject for Preston's anti nD toxin, despite Drake's protests. DS Holland finally makes the connection between Friday and the body in the reservoir. After examining the body, Preston and Stewart realize that Friday must have been carrying something in his blood. Revelations about Kirkwood sheds light on the nDs mission. The toxin begins to take affect on Tucker. Nick devises a detector that sounds when an nD portal is about to open. Armed with the warning notice and the toxin, the unit attacks and just at it seems the plan is working it becomes evident that the nDs may have stepped up their campaign.

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  • First Aired
    June 5, 1998
  • Content Rating
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